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Oct 3, 2022
5 min read

What is CRM?

CRM Software Stand For

CRM software is software that allows companies to automate customer-related work and assure that all interactions with customers and prospects happen efficiently and smoothly during the entire customer journey.

CRM software helps companies to increase their close rate of deals, boost loyalty, and drive profits. With the help of CRM software, companies can easily manage and collect customers’ data from multiple channels to build more accurate customer profiles, provide personalized engagement with customers, and have a more productive team-facing customer.

CRM Board

What are HubSpot and Salesforce?

Both HubSpot and Salesforce are CRMs that are at the top of the CRM’s top but in 2022 Salesforce has taken over all CRMs and has the first position while the hub spot is at 2nd place. Both Salesforce HubSpot are CRMs which provide marketing, sales analytics, and advanced features designed to help you sell more, track and develop pipelines and forecasting features while delivering the best customer service. Now let’s get into it and while exploring more differences between Salesforce and HubSpot, some of which are given below.

  • Salesforce features like reports, dashboard and forecasting are more advanced than the Hub Spot system

  • HubSpot leans more toward the marketing side as compared to salesforce and have more plans and features related to marketing while salesforce is more concentrated towards the CRM side

  • Both salesforce and hub spot provide great onboarding but salesforce is more customizable

  • Hub Spot is best known for its inbound marketing tools, while salesforce is more known for its feature for sales automation and services tools.

Similarities between Salesforce and HubSpot

Hubspot vs Salesforce

Following are some similarities between Salesforce and HubSpot

  • CRM

  • Analytics and sales forecasting

  • Contact scoring

  • Marketing Features

Side by Side Comparison

Hubspot vs Salesforce

Feature Salesforce HubSpot
Salesforce Reporting and Forecasting Salesforce have highly advanced forecasting and reporting tools which are available in baseline plan HubSpot have advance forecasting and reporting tools which are not available in baseline plan and require an upgraded paid plan
Marketing Features Salesforce have extensive marketing features but they are purchased individually at per-month costs HubSpot have extensive marketing features and these available with the free and Starter plans
Ease of use Salesforce has strong onboarding with a demo-like account and have more structured setup HubSpot have strong onboarding with step-by-step guidance and have more integrated dashboard and navigation
Customization Salesforce is highly customizable because it includes coding capabilities and the new update of flow has increased its capabilities and it has given its more point and click options to create more process with flows for which you don’t need to code HubSpot has Customizable workflows and automation, but no coding access

In the end, the biggest differences between them are the pricing, user interface, and which specific features are slightly more advanced or more accessible for your organization but salesforce is dominating the market due to their maintainability and providing new features and updates three times a year.

Now by diving into some features more, it can provide a better understanding of these two CRMs.

Reporting and Forecasting

Corporations around the world most often prefer Salesforce’s CRM and reporting because it has more capabilities than any of its competitor’s CRM. The Salesforce Dashboard shows the entire Pipeline, Estimated Revenue Amount, and Source based on past and Current Data. It also offers a total number of converted sales in the pipeline with their estimated values. When it comes to assessing current leads, customers can use different filters like the stages of the funnel they’re in, the anticipated close date, and the probability of closing.

On the other hand, Salesforce’s contact scoring tools are well known to be pretty accurate when estimating the probability of conversion. Forecasting features in salesforce are more user-friendly and easier to understand when it comes to comparing salesforce forecasting features with the sales forecasting features of their competitors like HubSpot.

Marketing Features

Growth Board

For brands that are all-in on sales and marketing tools, Hub Spots have a more well-rounded marketing feature that gets the job done. Unlike Salesforce, these features come in one package instead of as individually purchased and standalone tools.

For example, HubSpot offers pay-per-click (PPC) ads management that allows the accounts to create and manage PPC ads, from within the Hub Spot. Creating ads and campaigns in the same tool as your CRM makes it a lot easier for businesses that are especially looking for, how they’re starting out. There are some other examples of HubSpot marketing features and some are given below.

  • Page optimization with suggestions

  • Email templates

  • Page templates

  • Marketing automation feature depending on a triggered action

  • Account-based marketing

  • Manage and publish ability to a social media account

Salesforce also have marketing features and they are also extensive some of them are given below

  • Email automation

  • SMS messaging

  • Site page creation

  • Social Listening

These are all good features but in Salesforce, these tools have to be purchased individually they are not available in a one-time bundle or in a single package. This means that the companies will have to really pick and choose which tool they want it has some good points as well like it won’t have anything that is unnecessary and doesn’t have to buy an un-wanted thing, in simple words you can shape it how you like.


Onboarding banner

Coming to Onboarding processes, Hubspot Displays all the tasks which need to be completed to get started right after the login and on the other hand Salesforce displays pop-ups to Walkthroughs the processes.

In Salesforce, users need to use App Launcher to view all the available apps, add-ons and to find the right tools because salesforce has divided its tools into its App Launcher and in Hub Spot, it’s easier to navigate right off the bat because everything is cleanly laid out. Each of the hubs shows its available features in the current plan and which ones are available if the plan is upgraded in a dropdown menu.


Customisation Banner

When it comes to customization, Salesforce is the clear winner. Not only can it add new specific features with standalone apps, but also allows you to connect with your additional tools, but you can also custom code, allowing you to access and customize basically anything you want. This has a huge impact when you are working with a tool at a massive scale.

While HubSpot features are customizable, it doesn’t really hold a candle in terms of customization with Salesforce in this regard.

HubSpot or Salesforce?

HubSpot and Salesforce are very similar, and they offer marketing resource management tools. If to sum it up in two, the points:

  • Salesforce has a clear edge when comparing advanced features and customization with HubSpot.

  • HubSpot offers more well-rounded marketing and sales tools but has less of a learning curve compared to Salesforce.